Tuesday 28 January 2014


Right from the time of birth till the time of death life is a constant battle teaching us a lot of leasons in every step..sumtimes we learn these lessons easily n sumtyms through pain.What i have realised so far is pain is r greatest teacher..it is through pain we realise how strong v are..it is only in adversity v find out true faces of every one...During r high times v r surronded by so many people who claim to b our best friends but when actual time comes they step back...we often blame pain d reason for loosing every one but thats so ironic...because in reality its pain who makes us realise who is worth keeping and who is not...instead of blaming pain we should rather be thankful to it..You know  WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT PAIN??its that every succesful person has a painful story...so if u r going through pain..physical or mental..consider urself lucky...becoz u r on verge of becoming succesful..
                      Now when we talk about pain we often co relate it with failure now to ur suprise.Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade. He was defeated in every public office role he ran for. Then he became the British prime minister at the age of 62..

Thomas Edison's teachers told him he was "too stupid to learn anything."  Edison also famously invented 1,000 light bulbs before creating one that worked.

Albert Einstein didn't speak until age four and didn't read until age seven. His teachers labeled him "slow" and "mentally handicapped."

But Einstein just had a different way of thinking. He later won the Nobel prize in physics.....


J.K. Rowling was unemployed, divorced and raising a daughter on social security while writing the first Harry Potter novel.

J.K. Rowling is now internationally renowned for her 7 book Harry Potter series and is the first person to become a billionaire from writing.


IF THESE PEOPLE CAN LEARN THROUGH PAIN N RISE HIGH IN LIFE..Y CAN'T YOU??WELL NO ONE SAID LIFE WOULD BE EASY...INFACT ITS A BITCH BUT U HAVE TO MOVE UR ASS AND MAKE EVERY SITUTION FAVOURABLE...AS they say whatever happens happens for good...trust on urself have faith..dont give up and learn through pain because the greatest lessons in life are meant to be learn only through pain...and that is because than only we realise the worth of anything..pain is nothing but happiness in disguise..like when  its too dark den tonly sun rises...simlarly when pain is not tolerable strength..success and good luck emerges..AS soon as you will realise this fact you will find a new meaning of life...:)

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